“Wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock”

One of my co-workers setup a server with Ubuntu 14.04 server running on it. I was using it to create and test some software running in VMs. As I was using KVM as my hypervisor, I needed qcow2 images. Another co-worker pointed me to a second server where the directory that held the images was NFS mounted. Rather than scp the images from the second server, I chose to mount the folder on my server.

Very simply, I added the following line to my server’s /etc/fstab file:

server.company-name.com:/usr_global /usr/global nfs ro,noatime,nodiratime,intr,noacl,sloppy,vers=3 0 0

Attempting to mount on the command line (mount /usr/global) yielded the error you see in the title of this post: Wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock and some words about possibly needing a helper function.

After looking at several possible solutions, the one that ultimately worked for me was to install the nfs-common package:

apt-get install nfs-common

After this, the mount worked as expected!


Finding the Horizon Password for OpenStack Ansible AIO

I recently installed OpenStack using RackSpace’s openstack-ansible AIO (All In One) deployment method. Similar to the Red Hat RDO distribution, AIO yields a single server node with both compute and controller roles. This is a great environment from which to do integration and development with RackSpace.

Here’s the rub: AIO deployment sets up all the user names and passwords automatically, including the password for the Horizon admin user account. The QuickStart guide for the process doesn’t give us the information. So how does one login as admin on the Horizon dashboard? To summarize the majority of the online answers:

It’s the password you gave keystone when you installed it!

That’s bogus in the AIO case because the default installation process asks you for nothing. Instead, you must go looking. I found the answer is not obvious. The installer puts the answer in the user_secrets.yml file:

ubuntu@openstackaio:~$ sudo grep admin_pass /etc/openstack_deploy/user_secrets.yml
heat_stack_domain_admin_password: db4edd5bae940444f18780a250135c6
keystone_auth_admin_password: 421df341dd5ca2b9418c1412c81dd7c7cd73a2e52e6fd

Once you get in to Horizon you can change the admin password to something easier to remember! Happy config!